Italian Solar Radiation Atlas
Italian Solar Radiation Atlas
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Italian Solar Radiation Atlas

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Tools and Softwares

This section hosts contents of a different nature related to solar radiation:  tools and softwares are available to be download or to be used on-line, such as solar diagrams ecc. Both softwares and tools have libraries incorporate into own programs and are ready-to-be-used tools.

This section is still under construction and other tools will be made available as they are prepared.

Tables and solar diagrams (Italian version only)
Polar and Cartesian diagrams with the trajectories of the Sun for a specific location (in the course of the year or for an assigned day); tables of solar altitude and azimuth as a function of day and time
Author: Massimo Mancini, ENEA UTEE-MOS.

C++ library containing classes and functions designed to simulate the optical properieties of a parabolic linear collector.
Author: Roberto Grena, ENEA UTRINN-PCI.

Position of the Sun
Five C++ algorithms for calculating the position of the Sun.
Author: Roberto Grena, ENEA UTRINN-PCI.

Sofrware MeanPTC
The software MeanPTC is a tool for computing the frequency distribution of the incidence angle on the mirrors composing a given solar linear collector (parabolic-trough or linear Fresnel).
Author: Marco Montecchi (Project Leader), ENEA TERIN


Atlante italiano della radiazione solare
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